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Tammie J. Kaufman
Associate Professor Of Food Service And Lodging Management, Rosen College Of Hospitality Management, University Of
Critical Success Factors In The Florida Bed And Breakfast Indsutry
The purpose of this study is to survey Florida bed and breakfasts (B&Bs) to ascertain the attitudes, beliefs, and actual behaviors of owners and operators. The objective of this research is to assess how these factors contribute to an operation’s success by: 1) analyzing attitudes and beliefs perceived to be necessary for success and the actual behaviors exhibited by operators

Tammie J. Kaufman
Associate Professor Of Hospitality Management, Rosen College Of Hospitality Management, University Of Central Florida, 9907
Analysis Of Listening Preferences Of Hospitality Management Students
The objective of this research is to determine listening preferences of students majoring in hospitality management utilizing Watson and Barkers' listening preference scale. A study which uncovers the listening preferences of the students will assist the faculty in better understanding the students and aid in their lesson preparation. The sample includes 244 students currently enrolled in upper level

Tammie J. Kaufman, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Rosen College Of Hospitality Management, 9907 Universal Blvd., Orlando, Fl 32819
Millennial Attitudes Towards Green Hotel Practices
This research helps better understand the Millennial generation’s attitude towards the environment and how it relates to green hotel practices. This research looked at their current green practices at home and their attitude towards green practices offered by hotels. There are significant relationships present between their actual green practices at home and their attitudes towards green practices offered by

Tammie J. Kaufman
Ph.d Associate Professor, Rosen College Of Hospitality Management, 9907 Universal Blvd., Orlando, Fl 32819
Online Learning Developing A Predicitive Model For Success
The purpose of this research was to present a predictive model of success in online learning. Three variables (emotional intelligence, locus of control, and grit) were selected based on research that would relate to attitude, norms, and perceived behavioral control which would result in intention in engagement in online learning. The problem with developing predictive models is

Tammie J. Kaufman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, University Of Central Florida, Rosen College Of Hospitality Management , 9907 Universal Blvd,
An Exploratory Study Into Millennial’s Interest In Food Tourism
Food tourism has grown significantly in recent years. Although it may not be the primary reason people select a destination it is very important in the decision making process. Millennials are becoming a sought after market because of their spending power and interest in travel. This research shows that this generation is seeking more experiences while they travel. They prefer

Tammie J. Kaufman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Rosen College Of Hospitality Management, University Of Central Florida, 9907 Universal Blvd. Orlando,
Food Trucks And The Millennials: An Exploratory Study
The food truck industry has grown rapidly in recent years and the millennial generation food truck sales because of their interest in more diverse food experiences. More than half of this generation have eaten at a food truck. This research explores what draws millennials to food trucks. The research found that this segment is supportive of food trucks because they

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